CSS employee owners supporting the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Scientific and Technical Assistance for Consequence Management (STACM) contract have been working with the National Chemical Preparedness Workgroup and Sub Workgroups to create a decontamination (decon) line guide and detailed drawing for EPA on-scene coordinators and EPA’s special teams to use for emergency responses and incidents. The decon line guide and drawings presents a detailed approach and steps to decon responders for different levels of personal protective equipment (PPE) (A, B, C, and D) used during responses to dangerous chemicals in the field. The decon guide includes the steps and lists of equipment and materials needed to put together a decon line with most equipment commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS). CSS scientists developed the steps, guide, and drawings.   

Following the development of the decon line guide, CSS scientists demonstrated the lines for EPA on-scene coordinators and special teams by directing the EPA responders through the line providing verbal instruction to ensure they followed all steps. 

One critical step in an effective decon line is to screen each responder to ensure that no dangerous chemicals remain on their personal protective equipment (PPE). During the decon line demonstration, CSS scientists screen EPA responders with a chemical monitoring instrument to ensure all chemicals were removed. Following the decon, if CSS scientists detect chemicals on the PPE, they instruct the responder to return to the beginning of the decon line to repeat the process.  

The line guide, processes, and demonstrations are critical in ensuring EPA responder safety when responding to dangerous chemicals in the field. 

Five people wear personal protective gear. Two stand in decontamination trays while three people provide assistance.
Two EPA responders (on the left) in modified Level C personal protective equipment are moving through a level C decon line for dangerous chemicals during a demonstration.
Two people wear personal protective gear. One person stands in a decontamination tent while another stands outside.
A CSS Scientist prepares to screen an EPA responder with a chemical monitoring instrument to ensure all chemicals have been removed in the decon line.

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