Our staff on contract with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Scientific and Technical Assistance for Consequence Management Team recently provided support for the development, coordination, and moderation of a pre-Operational Testing and Evaluation of Chemical Remediation Activities webinar for EPA On-Scene Coordinators. The EPA Office of Research and Development presented on the use of provisional advisory levels (PAL). The EPA Office of Emergency Management CBRN Consequence Management and Advisory Division (CBRN CMAD) presented on the process of chemical clearance during an emergency chemical release incident. Our staff assisted the EPA team in developing the event, acted as moderator, and provided technical support. This educational and interactive webinar was critical in providing the On-Scene Coordinators with information that will support them in their efforts during an emergency chemical release event. The webinar was a big success, with approximately 50 participants, and received very positive feedback from attendees. 

EPA Office of Emergency Management gave an interactive presentation on the clearance process after the release of a chemical warfare agent.

EPA Office of Research and Development gave an interactive presentation on the use of PALs during an emergency chemical release event.

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