Our field crews installed/updated two environmental monitoring stations in remote locations in the Pacific Northwest. Multiple types of sensors were installed including air and soil temperature, precipitation, soil moisture and soil redox potential. These stations provide data for designing and evaluating soil remediation projects for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development.
Installing a monitoring station.
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Discovering the Urchin Killer
A diver collects a long-spined sea urchin. Credit: Blake Gardner Our employee owners were recently part of a team of detectives on a mission to discover the killer of long-spined sea urchins, Diadema antillarumy, throughout the Caribbean Sea. The infected urchins lose their spines, leaving them more vulnerable to predation or dying after a few…
Assisting with a Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
Los Angeles County in California is a densely populated area vulnerable to natural hazards such as flooding and wildfires. Our staff modified and applied the Integrated Vulnerability Assessment Framework developed by NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science to assess the county’s climate vulnerability. Through partner and stakeholder engagement, the team used a series of…
Developing a Decontamination Line Guide for EPA Responders
CSS employee owners supporting the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Scientific and Technical Assistance for Consequence Management (STACM) contract have been working with the National Chemical Preparedness Workgroup and Sub Workgroups to create a decontamination (decon) line guide and detailed drawing for EPA on-scene coordinators and EPA’s special teams to use for emergency responses and incidents. The…