The International Space Station in space with the Earth below in the background.

Some of the projects we support are out of this world! Our staff are supporting the University of North Dakota by providing world class laboratory space near the Kennedy Space Center to enable 3-D printing and testing of NASA’s astronaut suits. Check out this video on why this these new suits are important to NASA’s mission and the safety of their astronauts. 

We provide operations, facility, and IT support, and health and safety oversight for the Space Life Sciences Laboratory, a joint effort between State of Florida and NASA for payloads bound to the International Space Station.   

This facility is a full-service, multi-tenant research laboratory supporting Earth and Space Life Science technology and product development. It’s located in Exploration Park on federal property directly outside the security perimeter of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. 

See More CSS Insights

Providing Skills to Build Relationships with Underserved Communities

CSS talented learning specialists supporting NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management (for which we subcontract through Lynker) are integral contributors to a team of federal staff and affiliates who develop training to assist coastal community decision makers and resource managers with building skills needed to enhance their communities. CSS learning specialists recently led the development of…

Safety Support To First Responders

First responders put their lives on the line to help others, and our team helps safeguard their protection.  Our team on contract with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Respiratory Protection Program works with staff to test respirators and establish secure fits. Similarly, they provide these fit tests for fire department personnel on a regular…

tractor trailers stationed in a parking lot

Emergency Response Support for the Republican National Convention

CSS employee owners on contract with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Portable High-throughput Integrated Laboratory Identification System — a mobile analytical unit known as PHILIS — provided emergency response support for the 2024 Republican National Convention. PHILIS mobile laboratory units are designed to provide onsite analysis of environmental conditions, including air and soil samples, contaminated…