CSS employee owners were part of a team of scientists at the National Institutes of Health who developed an approach to evaluating new laboratory space to determine if the space will fit operational needs. This concept, titled The BaseLINE Approach, combines traditional safety processes with additional safety and environmental factors to assess before operations begin. The term “BaseLINE” is a compound acronym of terms that combine these traditional concepts with safety and environmental terms. “Base” refers to the safety aspects of the process (building assessment of safety elements) while “line” covers environmental issues (lighting, indoor air quality, noise, and ergonomics). This assessment helps ensure additional safety measures for laboratory occupants. 

Visit this article to view the full approach.  

Congratulations to the team on this accomplishment!

*Feature photo credit: Hans Reniers, Unsplash

Design Requirements manual cover
The BaseLINE approach is based in the NIH Design Man Requirements.

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