Acts of terrorism and other incidents can release dangerous chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) materials. CSS researches and documents information on the best practices and most effective technologies for CBRN response. 

About this Program

Our emergency response specialists prepare the technical guides, reports, databases, and other resources that guide responses to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear incidents.  Our work provides national and local first responders with the tools they need to protect human health and the environment.

Working closely with EPA’s CMAD since 2007, CSS staff presents state-of-the science information in easy-to-use documents designed for federal, state, and local emergency responders and decisionmakers. We also help plan for and perform field demonstrations and exercises. This field work tests, refines, and documents the effectiveness of proposed approaches and decontamination technologies following the release of CBRN materials.

By the numbers:

100Tasks or Technical Directives performed for CMAD since 2007

40+CBRN tactical, field, and quick response guides produced for first responders

16Field demonstrations and exercises supported

Additional Projects

Predictive Modeling and the HABTracker

CSS scientists helped develop HABTracker, a HAB Forecast system.

Analytical Chemistry Support for the US EPA National Aquatic Resource Survey

CSS chemically analyzes hundreds of water samples collected annually from the US EPA’s National Aquatic Resource Survey (NARS), a critical contribution to the EPA assessments of the condition of the nation’s water bodies.

Regulatory Documentation Development

CSS develops documents to meet the requirements of environmental regulations.

Space Science Application Support & Operations

We deliver scientific support to advance our clients’ research goals.

Environmental Resource Assessment & Management

We apply science to address challenges affecting the nation’s natural resources.

Safety, Health, & Environmental Compliance

We provide our clients with tools to protect their workforce, the public, and the environment.

Emergency Preparedness & Response

We help our clients prepare for and protect the health and environment of communities after disasters and hazmat releases.

Satellite Science & Environmental Intelligence

Helping create a more environmentally sustainable, weather-ready, and secure nation through application of earth observation data  

Facilities Operations & Maintenance

We understand your facility support needs and deliver customized solutions.

IT Services

Our IT solutions meet clients’ evolving needs.

Get in touch

Contact us to learn more about our projects, capabilities, solutions, and service offerings.