IT Security Support for NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Office of Science and Technology (OST).
CSS provided information systems security officer and engineer support to NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Office of Science and Technology (OST).

CSS provided information systems security officer and engineer support to NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Office of Science and Technology (OST).
CSS provided the following support for this Project:
- audited information systems and applications,
- developed a security program,
- implemented a successful system and application change control process,
- developed and implemented data extraction policies and processes for sensitive information.
Our information assurance services included assessments, risk and vulnerability reviews, and system scans for approximately 40 systems. We performed security assessments and continuous monitoring in VM, Unix, Macintosh, Windows, Oracle, and multiple in-house applications and COTS products. Our staff revised and developed information security directives, procedures, and policies in line with industry best practices, federal laws and regulations, and stakeholder needs. We also ensured secure interconnections between systems and applications with multiple federal agencies.
Additional Projects

Expert Guidance to EPA’s Consequence Management Advisory Division
Technical Support for EPA’s Consequence Management Advisory Division (CMAD) – CSS provides expert technical guidance and field support related to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) decontamination.

Onsite Analytical Support Following Hurricane Harvey
CSS helped EPA protect the communities affected by Hurricane Harvey from volatile and semi-volatile water contaminants.

Mobilizing Onsite at National Special Security Events
CSS operates and maintains EPA mobile analytical units that travel to support multi-agency security efforts during high profile events that draw large crowds.

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