Providing Field and IT Specialists to Address Hazardous Materials and Support Data Management

CSS staff served as lead technical advisors on a multi-agency environmental response team after Hurricane Harvey.  Teams traveled by boat and over land to locate, evaluate, retrieve, and document orphan drums, vessels, and tanks holding five gallons or more of hazardous materials. Our field specialists conducted air monitoring at all locations, documenting activities with logbooks, iPads, and global positioning system (GPS) tools.  We uploaded the resulting data to EPA’s data management systems.  Once the retrieved orphan containers arrived at EPA’s staging area in Port Arthur, we sorted them by type and obtained a daily count of all collected items.  CSS mobilized additional IT staff on site to support the data management performed by EPA, the US Coast Guard, and other responders.  Our staff entered data into the main EPA databases from batches collected in the field by the response teams, then confirmed data quality and integrity using data collection tools and tailored database queries.  Our IT specialist created “ad hoc” queries of the main EPA database to provide the Incident Command team with real-time information on the status of cleanup efforts. We also generated and distributed daily reports on the status of storm-related water, ground, vessel, and non-vessel pollution to EPA management and other stakeholders.

Additional Projects

Grape Microbiota

CSS was selected to develop an experiment payload to examine the effect of microgravity throughout the various stages of wine fermentation.

IT Support to NOAA Fisheries

Our IT services support included developing and integrating information management systems central to NOAA Fisheries’ management and protection of living marine resources and their habitats

Guiding Wildfire Response and Recovery

CSS supports communities following catastrophic wildfires to ensure that items discarded during site cleanup are properly identified, sorted, and sent to an appropriate disposal facility.

Environmental Resource Assessment & Management

We apply science to address challenges affecting the nation’s natural resources.

Human Health Risk Assessment

We help advance the understanding of chemical effects on people and the environment.

Facilities Operations & Maintenance

We understand your facility support needs and deliver customized solutions.

Satellite Data Applications

Helping create a more environmentally sustainable, weather-ready, and secure nation through application of earth observation data  

Safety, Health, & Environmental

We provide our clients with tools to protect their workforce, the public, and the environment.

Emergency Preparedness & Response

We help our clients prepare for and protect the health and environment of communities after disasters and hazmat releases.

IT Services

Our IT solutions meet clients’ evolving needs.

Get in touch

Contact us to learn more about our projects, capabilities, solutions, and service offerings.